
Sunday, April 29, 2012

{KCWC Day 7 ~~ Jean Shorts}

Today's project was pretty simple, a great way to finish off the week.  I went though my son's shorts and realized he didn't have any jean shorts for the summer.  The thought of buying a couple of pairs ran across my mind but then I remembered a couple of pair of too short jeans with holes starting in the knees.  Perfect!

I started with two pair of jeans, thread that matched the topstitching on each pair & fabric for a hem facing.

Of course both pair of jeans are the carpenter style with the pocket on the side.  The position of the pocket and the knee holes pretty much determined how long the shorts would turn out.  The pair on the right became the more traditional frayed cut-off shorts because there wasn't much room between the bottom of the pocket and the hole.  After cutting one leg I folded the jeans in half and cut the other leg to match.  I sewed a line of stitching about 1/4 inch from the bottom and helped them to fray a bit.

For the other pair I went with a more finished look.  There was more room between the bottom of the pocket and the knee hole so I more length to work with.  I used a hem facing to add a bit of interest.  It also requires a smaller hem on the jean shorts.

I think they turned out great and I'm sure they will get tons of use this summer.  The best part is that I saved myself some $$!

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