
Friday, November 23, 2012

{Finally Finished It Friday~~Dragonfly Quilt}

It feels so good to finally have this one finished!  This one was started about 7 years ago.  A friend invited me to join her in a Round Robin quilt group.  Six ladies were in the group and each started their own quilt with the center block.  I chose a red, black and white color scheme and made the center block and requested that only red, white & black fabrics be used in my quilt.  Each month we mailed off the quilt we worked on to the next person who added to the quilt.  In the end we each ended up with very unique quilts.  I am very pleased with how mine turned out. I was very excited to see dragonflies made an appearance in my quilt. 
fabric of the 2nd border from the center

These pieced dragonflies had to take a lot of time to complete and they are beautiful.  I believe I received my finished quilt top in the spring or early summer of 2006. 

I debated how I wanted it quilted and it was set aside for a while. Then life got a bit complicated when my son was born with multiple medical issues and was hospitalized for 16 months.
In 2008 or 2009 (I can't remember exactly) my mom generously had it quilted for me as a Christmas gift. The lady who quilted it did a wonderful job, it is beautiful.  Again, it sat waiting to have the binding put on while I was busy with my little guy.
Finally about a year ago I got the binding partially done, the hand stitching was all that was left.
This year, in the few days after Halloween, I finally sat down while at my parents house and finished the binding.  It was very helpful to have grandparents to distract the kiddo so I could work for more than 5 minutes at a time.

I'm slowly but surely working my way through my list of unfinished projects.  How long is your list?  What have you finished recently?

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