
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

{Train Bedroom~~Railroad Art}

There are 3 major art projects in the train bedroom.  A grouping of photographs, a trio of hand painted canvases & a large subway art piece.

Across the orange stripe I painted on one wall I placed 10 photographs.  Each photo is 8x10 in a thin black frame I found at Wal*Mart for only $2 each.  The photos are pictures I took of train related items from a photo shoot I did with my son.  Most of the photos can be seen in the A Boy and His Train post.  I hung them with Command Picture Hanging Strips so they are securely attached to the wall and have less of a risk of falling off during the rambunctious boy activies that may occur in the room.

While searching for inspiration for the train bedroom I came across a print on Etsy the I loved but it was small and there was only one.  I new I needed something similar but more so I set out to create a set of 3 canvas panels. 

I decided on yellow, blue and green for the background colors and grey for the trains.  I searched for free train images and settled on 3 different types of trains; a bullet train, a steam engine and a disel train.  I created freezer paper stencils of each one cutting out all the small areas with an exacto knife.  I had hoped that the freezer paper would iron onto the canvases but it didn't so I taped it down the best I could.  The paint did leak under the stencil in many places so I had to touch it up with the base color paint.  It was a tedious process but the results are great.  These 3 pieces fit the space perfect.

Subway art
I created a piece of subway art using Photoshop Elements.  I placed a picture of Milo that I had taken in the center and surrounded it with various train/railroad terms in various sizes.  I used 2 different fonts and 2 different colors of grey for the words.  The boarder around the picture is a navy blue to match the picture.  I had the piece printed at Costco as a 20x30 print.  I had a poster frame that was in Milo's room already to I decided to use it again.  It was bigger than the print so I found some great yellow paper at Hobby Lobby in their art department that I used as a backing.

The final reveal is coming soon, check back soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love your train DIYs! Thank you or sharing! Would you be willing to make your train subway art available?
